“I don’t own a little black dress.” Said no girl ever.
Ahhhh yes, the LBD, fashion’s divine gift to women. That so chic, so seductive, so intriguing, so ‘feel-great-in-your-body’, ‘smooth-out-the-bumps’, ‘I-didn’t-think-about-this-at-all-but-still-look-like-a-fashion-God’, effortless, little black dress.
Let’s all just take a moment for an appreciative pause.
No garment works harder than thee, LBD. If all women wore black? World peace.
For most girls, that little black item (dress/cardy/jacket/blazer) is their fashion BFF, their lean-on. From sporty to Sunday brunch, cocktail party to boardroom, underwear, accessories, hosiery… black works. In fact, so does white.
Coco Chanel had it so right when she said "Black has it all. White, too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony." Monochrome is where it’s at. Zebra is where it’s at.
Cut out the colour - and hello texture. Hello cut! Hello stripes, prints and patterns. Donning the monochrome look is super easy; no more colour matching or clashing. Spread those colour pops sparely. If you fashion in monochrome, everything pairs with everything else. That’s a wardrobe win.
So if you’re like us and black or white, nude, neutral or monochrome is your digs; if you can never decide between charcoal, jet or onyx, welcome home. We get you.
Welcome to the Zebra Effect.